Policies and legislation on the use of pesticides, in cooperation with FAO


Policies and legislation on the use of pesticides, in cooperation with FAO

Inscrições via https://www.bigmarker.com/hvr-group/Policies-and-legislation-on-the-use-of-pesticides
Público ou Privado Público
Público-alvo Geral
Categoria Webinar
País de origem Holanda
Local  Online
Data 30 de Junho de 2021
Horário 10:00 às 12:00 (Horário de Brasília)
Descrição The use of pesticides is believed to be one of the major drivers in the decline of insects and other pollinators. The policies surrounding their use and the associated legislation are therefore of interest for those involved in the protection of pollinators and pollination.

This webinar aims to share experiences and examples of pesticide status and trends of use, as well as regulations in different regions of the world and at different scales. What works, what doesn’t, what are the pitfalls, and where are we lacking knowledge? We will present examples at the regional, national and practical levels. We will also explore the scientific knowledge regarding the impact of pesticides on pollinators.

The webinar will be divided into three parts: evidence, policy and implementation. The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion between experts. The webinar is in English and is open to the public, both members and non-members are invited to attend. The webinar will take two hours.

Ministrante (s) Martijn Thijssen, Parthiba Basu, Kim-Anh Tempelman e Dra. Roberta Nocelli
Organizador (es) Promote Pollinators
Valor Evento Gratuito


As informações contidas neste formulário sobre o evento são de responsabilidade do cadastrante.



30 jun 2021


10:00 - 12:00


Evento Gratuito




Promote Pollinators